A Friday night in the East Village. Pomme Frites for fries. I remember this was my first planned destination when I came to NY in 2002. I saw it on the Food Network and I knew I had to go there. I got there well before it opened so I hung out at the church across the street where they were having a bake sale. I had a muffin and saw some creepy old man hanging out by the parking meter. This girl that looked like a beat-up Nicole Kidman asked me for the time. I told her and she was really grateful. Then a minute later I saw the creepy old man and the beat-up Nicole Kidman walking down the street together and turning off at a corner. From there I figured it out. Pomme Frites finally opened and had some of the best fries ever. They should make it so you can have a ketchup cup assortment of sauces if they don’t already. That’d be awesome. Anyway after I finished and was walking out, I ran into the beat-up Nicole Kidman again. She asked me for $2.63 for a frappaccino. That’s really odd isn’t it to ask for exact change? I dug into my pocket and pulled out a few coins. She was so grateful again and wished me a good day. Then as we walked our separately ways, I heard her throw my coins down pissed-off on the sidewalk. That was my first day in New York.

Back to Friday night after Pomme Frites, headed over to Bowery Electric for Chelsea’s birthday. Apparently it was a joint birthday with a guy named Eric and Gideon Yago. Dang remember him? Had a blast. We danced up a storm. My friend Alex Moreno was spinning some hot tunes. There was even some spinning chair craziness.

Pomme Frites – 123 2nd Ave (btw 7th St & St Marks Pl) New York, NY 10003

About The Author

Jason Lam

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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