reminder of our party tomorrow (saturday) at the lock inn. rusty is making a ham. then taking that ham and putting it on the grill. then taking that grilled ham and putting it on a bun ...for authentic "ham"bur...
rusty gets myspace message from a russian fan asking if justice of the unicorns is playing this weekend in ny. somehow this turns into two russian girls crashing over, todd buying smirnoff ice, and rusty making...
i make mexican fiesta with trader joe burrito, guacamole, salad, hash brown. rusty make own bloomin onion/awesome blossom. joey say "whoa". and rusty play justice of the unicorns this saturday night at s...
waking up from hangover, i smell sweet scent of buttermilk biscuits. rusty makes breakfast sammiches galore. watchin olympics equestrian. horse wins medal?...
inspired by east village magic man at cheapshots with his english muffin toaster pizzas, me and rusty decide making pizzas.
many pizzas including our new inventions:
thai green curry veal pizza
indian korm...
me and rusty go to rainy mccarren pool. langhorne is awesome. sounds like dirty leprechaun.
super felice bros sound/look like blues traveler make out with black lips. we see girl dancing with unicorn. new ...