Day 10 of the Shonali Tour: We stopped off at a Bojangle’s in Virginia. Had to get me a Fried Bologna & Cheese Biscuit since we saw a sign for it at the beginning of the tour. If I knew it was actually my dinner, I’d probably choose more wisely. I don’t know what I was expecting, because it tasted just as I expected. But I knew I had to have one.

This particular Bojangles sat on top of a hill. The view from the window was beautiful.

I remember the first time I went to a Bojangle’s a few years back on a different tour with Shonali. We went in and it was filled with old ladies smoking cigarettes. That kinda blew my mind, because I hadn’t seen smoke in a restaurant in years, especially a fast food joint. This time around, no smoke in any of the restaurants we went to down South.

Dang, look at this video…

About The Author

Jason Lam

Food blogger since 2008. Hair model since 2003.

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